Why Stress Is Your Brain’s Worst Enemy; Impairing Memory & Learning

Hesham Mashhour
7 min readMay 20, 2021

Today I want to talk to you about chronic stress and how chronic stress affects your brain; impairing attention, memory and decision making.

It’s a pretty stressful time that we find ourselves living in. Everyone I speak to is stressed about one thing or another and with the pandemic coming to a close and people going to back to work — this feels like the perfect time to tackle this thorny subject.

I don’t think I know anyone who is the best version of themselves while they are stressed and today I’ll be explaining exactly why that’s the case.

Just a heads up; this video and article will be part one of a three part series. This time next week I will be publishing a video (and article on Medium) on how physical exercise helps to relieve much of the cognitive damage that chronic stress can cause so if you would like to see that then remember to subscribe on YouTube and follow me on Medium.

Part of your body’s response to stressful situations, whether they be physical or psychological, is to release large amounts of glucocorticoids (like cortisol) into your bloodstream.



Hesham Mashhour

Cambridge Graduate. I write about #health #medicine and will occasionally share my thoughts about the latest #music and trash coming out of #Netflix